Thursday, 4 January 2018

Fee Management System: Features and Benefits

The BainBridge’s Fee Management System is among the most automated fee calculation system available in the market. Apart from being automatic it is, at the same time, flexible adequate to accommodate the changing nature of fee payments that most of the educational institutions are facing. Fee calculation is done through category opted by the students.
The system automatically computes the pending fees, previous fee payment particulars, deductions and concessions if any relevant to the selected student. Further, the user is also provided with the option to make payment of more than one month.
User-defined fee structure and group can be kept. Automated bill generation option improves the system reliability. Fee Receipt can be generated by the fee management system with just a few mouse clicks. At any point of time, handler can authenticate collections made and unpaid with single click.
Fee Management Software is one of the key software in managing Educational institutes, Coaching/Training centers. It allows great many numbers of characteristics when it comes to fee management.

Fee collection
In Fee Management software, you can easily manage the student fee collection and maintain fees connected data. You can see school wise total fee collected in opted date range. This module shows total fee collected in a particular date range by card, cash, cheque, Bank Transfer etc.

·      Rapidly know your fees collected.
·      View Fees accumulated for a date range or fees accumulated today.
·      Get a glimpse of collected cash, card, bank transfer, cheque, Advance amount or discount given.
·      There are various different reports that Fee Management Software gives. It can provide a summary of students pending fees and accumulated amount.
·      Month wise pending fee details.
·      Daily fee accumulated particulars.
·      Student wise unpaid fee particulars.
·      Online and Offline Fee collection.
·      Supporting system.

Manage Fee

In Fee Management System, you can state the type of school fees (example: Stationery, Tuition, Uniform) to be got from a certain year/semester. This software lets you define fee groups according to your school rules and apply the diverse fees defined to the students as needed. For instance, you can create ‘fee group’ as Nursery, Primary etc. with fee types as ‘Stationery fee’, ‘Uniform Fee’, ‘Tuition Fee’, ‘Transportation Fee’ etc.

·      Define different Fee groups for transportation Fees, Nursery to UKG Fees, Primary section fees (I to IV).
·      Define penalty or late payment fees that get applied daily, weekly etc.
·      Accept Fee in installments.
·      Update last minute discounts while collecting fees.
·      Obtain Fees in cash, credit card, NEFT, Cheque.
·      Swiftly update enhancement in fees.
·      Apply the different fees defined to the students as necessary
·      Student wise outstanding fee particulars.
·      Online and Offline Fee collection
·      Supporting system

Receive Fee

This module by design computes the pending fee and penalty if any valid to the certain student based on fee structure allocated. You can receive the fee payments from parents/ students from numerous payment modes like Card, Cheque, Cash, Bank Transfer etc. You can also receive the fee from multiple payment modes such as, cash and card etc. Fee Management Software records all the dealings you made and updates the respective accounts and at any certain point of time you can see ledgers of the certain account, you can even print the ledger of that account.

·      Print fee receipt in modified formats.
·      SMS/Email fee receipt to Parent/ student.
·      Get Fee in installments.
·      Adjust penalty payments if any.
·      Give concession if any valid to the selected student.

·      Fees Master: Yearly fee structure with date of creation. Fee information recurrently circulated to Parents.
·      Fees Configuration: Several Entity bank accounts with several types of fees configuration.
·      Fees Collection: Fees Collections for recent in addition to next financial year / Collection.
·      Optional Fees:  Optional and Extra-Curricular activities mapping with school students and gathering of fees to such activities.

·      Transport Fees: Transport fees outline and its payment collection.